Our business knowledge and experience helped us create a step-by-step hiring methodology
The credentials of the probable candidates are better to ensure that no unfit candidate enters
As unique as PQ’s methodology might be, we don’t shy away from giving a walkthrough to our clients to describe the entire process.
PQ’s method has its team resorting to a multitude of processes to find the technology wizard who will take the reins
Comett was founded with an aim to help organizations of all sizes, from an early stage start-up with 2-3 employees to large scare MNCs with thousands of employees. We help by providing end to end HR services from building teams by hiring the right talent to providing services like creating competency frameworks, compensation and performance management philosophy.
We want to create a legacy of state-of-art services with high speed and versatility. Our focus is therefore always in creating delight for clients to help them scale up when it comes to Human Resources.
We are very proud of our numbers mentione below and that clearly shows
the essence of our ways of working.
Talent Pool
Active Clients
Candidates Placed
Offer Acceptance